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During epidemics, good nutrition, warm clothes to prevent hypothermia, regular exposure to fresh air and exercise are important.

Requires proper rest and sleep, quitting smoking and alcohol, prevention of stress.

In rooms with an abundance of rhinocort, wearing a mask, using oxolinic or viferon ointment on the vestibule of the nose, and instilling influenza into the nose can help. Prophylactic administration of arbidol, rimantadine, anaferon, oseltamivir is indicated. Important! All materials are for reference only and are in no way an alternative to a face-to-face consultation with a specialist.

This site uses cookies to identify site visitors. Google analytics, Yandex metrics, Google Adsense. If this is not acceptable to you, please visit this page anonymously. Influenza is an acute viral disease that affects the respiratory tract, accompanied by severe intoxication. Zaboletreatment can lead to the most serious complications, and sometimes death, as a rule, in children and elderly patients. According to the manifestations and methods of infection, ARVI and influenza are considered diseases close to each other, however, the influenza condition causes great intoxication and often proceeds very hard, leading to various complications.

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Everyone has experienced this disease at least once in their life. This is not surprising, since the disease is considered the most common infectious disease, which can lead to outbreaks and sometimes epidemics every year. That is why it is important to know everything about this disease. main dangers and ways to buy rhinocort online against it.

Around the world every year a huge number of children and adults suffer from a similar disease, leading to very serious complications. The fact is that the flu virus is very changeable. Every year, more and more new types of virus appear, the so-called strains, with which the human immune system has not yet met. Therefore, there is no absolute vaccine against this disease that could provide complete protection, since there is always the possibility of a completely new mutation of this virus.

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Mankind has known about the flu for many centuries. The very first epidemic officially documented occurred back in 1580. But, at that time, nothing was known either about the disease itself or about its nature of occurrence. It has been possible to study the influenza virus and its properties in detail since the 1940s. At this time, the virus began to be grown in special chicken embryos. Since that time, a fairly large step forward has been made in the study of this disease. At that time, the ability of the flu to mutate was discovered. In addition, all parts of the virus that were capable of changing were identified. Of course, an important discovery was the creation of a therapeutic vaccine.

The source of infection is a sick personwhose viruses are excreted along with sputum and saliva discharged from the nose during breathing, coughing and sneezing. These viruses can get on the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, eyes or nose directly from the air or through contact with the patient. They can also settle on various surfaces and then get on the mucous membranes of a healthy person through the hands or as a result of using all kinds of hygiene items shared with the patient.

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And yet, it has not been absolutely precisely established, due to which protective mechanisms the reproduction of the virus stops, and, consequently, recovery occurs. Usually, after 2-5 days, the release of this virus into the environment stops. Thus, a person with flu completely ceases to be dangerous, and after a while the flu symptoms also disappear. People who have a weakened immune system are most susceptible to order budesonide for sale.

With influenza, the incubation period is very short, averaging 48 hours from infection to the very first manifestations. This disease almost always begins acutely. Influenza according to the severity of budesonide inhalers can be divided into mild, moderate and severe. Catarrhal phenomena and signs of intoxication almost always appear. And yet, in 5-10% of all cases, there is also a hemorrhagic component. Influenza intoxication manifests itself as follows. Influenza symptoms in children may appear 2-3 days after infection. After that, the disease develops rapidly and begins to affect the upper respiratory tract.

The classic symptoms are high fever up to 40ºС, chills, headaches and muscle pain, sore throat and just feeling unwell. These symptoms last up to 3-4 days, but fatigue and coughing can last up to 1-2 weeks after the temperature has subsided. In children, the illness may be similar to other respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia, bronchitis, or croup. Abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting may occur. Moreover, vomiting may occur more often than diarrhea. The behavior of the child changes - at a high temperature, general irritability noticeably increases.


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